How Can Remote DBAs Solve Modern DBA Problems?
Globalization has made outsourcing indispensable for today’s IT operations. Outsourcing is a process where projects can be assigned to a source that is placed outside the boundaries of the corporate culture. To simplify it, outsourcing deals with third party merchants. This process is adopted by the companies in order to bring down the cost of the projects and achieve competitive gains. In such a situation, the database is of prime importance to an enterprise as it aids in searching information related to goals, mission and vision. In this regard, the database operator is of equal importance. The database administrator monitors and engages in all kinds of troubleshooting so that the businesses can run without any troubles.
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For some companies, the monitoring of the active databases is the only way to secure business assets. As the solutions become more complex and advanced, the number of vulnerabilities increases. Even the best of the developers might overlook certain defects with a host of fault finding tools. In order to deal with such vulnerabilities, the remote DBA experts at are of immense help for dealing with these factors. The global businesses are rapidly approaching towards the remote database administration in order to fight exhaustion and expenditure related to staffs. In addition, they help in reducing the vulnerabilities and maximize production. Amongst the various dbas that are available, Oracle is termed as one of the most reliable and advanced database administrators available in the present times.
One valid question that arises is what is the need to replace the existing dba system in your organization with a remote one? Of course, you will not replace it. You are simply going to provide the existing one with a supplement. Here are some of the ways in which the remote dba can be utilized to solve the modern day database administration related problems:
Reduces IT costs
Controlling cost is important for any kind of businesses. By relying on the dba, organizations today can easily downsize their dba staff in order to save money. Earlier, reducing staff for cost control led to loss of production. But the remote dba can solve this problem. Since the system will be working from outside there are no additional costs and yet there will be no jerks as far as production is concerned.
Complex databases
With passing time the databases are growing both in complexity and size. Owing to this, there has been a constant flux in the database technologies as well. Hence, more and more organizations require innovative ways to step up the competition and to compensate for the expenses related to train the internal personnel. In this regard, too, the remote database administration is of immense help.
Concentrating on the basic competencies
A dba is expected to perform a number of roles ranging from daily tasks to new implementations. It often happens that in between such tug of war, the dba deviates from the strategic projects. When this happens an enterprise suffers a setback on the competitive platform. Hence, it is vital for all organizations to find out ways to free the internal dbas so that they can solely focus on adoption and implementation on the new apps or technologies.
Distributing dba work
This is important. For a smooth functioning, it is necessary that all the units of an enterprise work in tandem. When there is too much workload on a single unit, the system may face troubles. With databases becoming important and vast, it is essential that the database administrators are not handling more than that they can deal with. When your employees are working overtime, you should be looking for alternatives that are cost effective. The remote dba helps in introducing cost effective alternatives as solutions.
Control support costs for databases
With the new supplement for dba, the businesses can now outsource their operational duties including performance, backup, monitoring and tuning. The cost of outsourcing is in fact half the amount that they might have to spend on the internal database administrators. They also have the option to reduce the expenditure on the contractors associated with such work.
Enhanced database accessibility
One of the advantages of remote dbas is that they guarantee constant database uptime by observing the system for any immediate threats. They also correct such problems and take upbeat steps to make sure that performance of the system is optimum. Since, these are available 24X7, the organizations are able to meet the requirements without any jerks. There are no communications gaps even during holidays, nights or weekends.
To put it in nutshell, dba services, especially, the remote dba services are crucial for companies nowadays. Any outside organization that will administer your databases through a link in your network will also provide services related to disaster recovery planning. These are quite suitable for stable environments and are quite effective for augmenting internal staffs. In addition to these, they are relatively less expensive than hiring contractors for longer durations. The modern times demand modern and convenient solutions. Keeping this in mind most of the dba service providers charge, monthly and even, hourly fees. The organizations, thus, can make their own choices depending upon their needs. Another advantage of this system is that information related to a particular environment is widened among a number of dbas. Hence, there are lesser chances of loss of any data even if the dba departs from the remote dba service provider.
There are just few things to remember when you choose a service provider. Hiring a remote dba service provider is not sufficient. It must be able to connect with your existing network and hardware infrastructure. In case it fails to connect, there is no point in hiring it. Secondly, if your system is facing a rapid development then an onsite dba system is preferable than a remote one.
Most of the organizations in today’s times are fighting to cope up with the problems related to database management, like, reducing cost, loss of business, ever changing database technology, etc. to counter these problems, it is necessary to find an alternative which would perform perfectly yet nullify the problems. This is where the remote database administrations have a big role to play.