4 Social Media Tricks for Your Jewelry Business
Social media marketing is a technique that can benefit companies in nearly every industry. When it comes to a jewelry business, it”s easy to reach your consumers when you implement the right tactics.
Here are four social media tricks that should increase your follower count and generate more leads.
Share buttons
Since your goal is to get your content in front of the maximum number of consumers, it”s important to make sharing as simple and convenient as possible. One of the best ways is to install social share buttons on your website and anywhere else your content gets featured.
Focusing on the top networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ is ideal because more people are on these sites than other, lesser-known networks. Once you”ve done this, a visitor can share a blog post about ring repair with a couple of clicks and it instantly appears in the feeds of their friends and followers.
Connect networks
If you”re on two or more sites, it”s smart to link them up. Doing so can bring traffic from one network to the other and allows consumers to keep abreast of any updates from your jewelry business in a way that”s convenient for them.
Image Source: Pixabay
Besides this, connecting networks should make you look more like a professional brand.
Post at the right time
One way to ensure that the maximum number of people see your post in their feeds is to upload it at certain times of the day. This infographic explains what the best time is for each network, and should guide you in choosing a time.
The result should be more views, more shares, and more traffic leading back to your website.
Stay active
Leaving an account unattended for a prolonged period of time can hurt your progress and gives followers a bad impression. To build a powerful buzz around your jewelry business, it”s important to post a steady stream of updates.
While it”s not necessary to comment every single day, going any longer than a week between updates should be avoided. If you don”t think you have enough time to devote to three or four networks, it”s best to stick to one or two that you know you can maintain.
This should prevent potential ring repair customers from forgetting about you, and make you look utterly professional.